Anchor Your Vision – Elevate Your Reality

A Private Holistic Planning VIP Experience for Entrepreneur

& Business Owner Creatives

 April 2024

Private VIP Date Scheduled Just for You

You’re creative, visionary and have a passion to make a difference.


If you’re anything like me, you also want to feel confident that you are headed in your right direction and have a way to know that you are on track, personally and in business.

And you’re ready…

For the clarity, calm and confidence that comes with the structure and focus you get, when you have a clear vision and plan for the next three, six, nine, or even 12 months. One that you will follow, guides you in your decision making, and helps you to prioritize where to invest your time, energy and money, so that it serves you to your highest good.

But let’s talk about what really happens…

When it comes to creating a clear vision and plan you will follow for the coming year, or even next quarter, chances are:

  • You’re not a natural planner and just thinking about sitting down by yourself to layout YOUR plan is overwhelming. OR 
  • You are a planner and when you sit down to plan, you get stuck because you’re just not sure how to go about it so that you have a plan that integrates your personal and business life.  OR 
  • You’d like to have a plan, however taking the time to sit down and create one feels overwhelming and nearly impossible with everything you have on your plate OR 
  • You create plans for your business, don’t plan for you personally and find the plan so overwhelming you struggle with follow through on your plan.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Imagine for a moment that…

You wake up each morning excited and clear about the path you’re on. You have a strong inner-knowing and calm that you are headed in the right direction, even when the S#*T hits the fan.  You have a clear vision and a plan that helps you to stay grounded, focused and confident that you’re moving forward.  It gives you the ability to navigate the unexpected with nimbleness and supports your resilience and re-focus when the craziest of times show up.

Ok, but wait… That’s not always your reality is it?  Here’s why… 

You know that planning is important. Maybe you’ve avoided it and perhaps you’ve tried a ton of different methodologies to plan out your year, personally and business wise.  It’s just that with being creative and visionary, attempting to follow those methodologies feel exhausting and confusing. As a result you stop before you start, you create a plan and don’t follow it, or you end up starting and then slowly stop after a time. Then your inner critic steps in and leaves you feeling awful and defeated.

It’s not your fault. There’s nothing wrong with you.  You were never taught how to integrate your personal and business in one holistic plan that is aligned with your soul. But I can show you how to create one that is your guiding light and that you will follow, even when craziness happens in your world.

As one who is also creative, visionary and a non-linear thinker, I understand.  I’ve been where you are. Over my 20+ years in business, I’ve experienced being all over the place, derailed, distracted, and not following through on my plans.  Even stopping and starting, thinking one thing or another was the “magic pill”.

And today, it’s not that way.  I love having the clarity, confidence and focus that comes from having a plan and structure that supports me in staying on track and in alignment with my Soul.  And I’m excited to have you experience the same!

“Victoria’s systems are tested and brilliant. Instead of feeling even more overwhelmed, I felt inspired and empowered going through her process. I highly recommend that you stop “considering” Heart & Soul CEO and sign up now! Unless of course you enjoy overwhelm, scarcity, and stress. 😉 I didn’t think so.”

~ Meghann Conter

CEO, The Dames®

So, if you’re ready for a clear vision and holistic Soul-aligned plan that enables you to focus and stay on track with clarity, calm and confidence then…  

Please join me for… 

Your Private Holistic Planning VIP Experience

As your guide, during our time together we will dive deep as I walk you through the holistic planning process where you will:

  • Acknowledge and authentically celebrate your journey so far. 
  • Compose a Soul inspired vision for the next 12 months that includes both personal and business. 
  • Assess truthfully where you are personally and where things are in your business from a place of compassion and understanding 
  • Get clear on your authentic strengths and true genius so that you’re clear what part of your plan is yours and where it serves you to engage others. 
  • Identify your best opportunities, what you aspire to in the coming year, and your desired outcomes.  
  • Determine your true goals and intentions, the ones that will inspire you to stay on track. 
  • Create your plan to go from where you are to where you want to go and be in alignment with you, your Soul, and your vision. 
  • Identify what can get in the way and what you need to put in place to support you to focus, stay on track and feel good along the way. 

At the end of our time together, you will come away with your custom Holistic Soul-aligned Plan for the next 12 months.  Your plan will bring calm to your nervous system, enable you to focus and move through your year ahead with clarity, confidence and significantly less stress. 


Discover if this Private Holistic Planning VIP Experience is right for you

Create your best Holistic Soul-Aligned Plan for the rest of 2024!


Your Private VIP Experience Includes:

  • A six hour Core VIP Day planning Experience
  • A two hour plan integration wrap up session the following week
  • Two follow up coaching sessions at 2 week intervals post experience
  • Bound copy of your experience workbook along with some special suppliesin your mailbox to use during our time together. 

Special Bonus!

Make it semi-private and bring your partner (business or personal) or a fellow creative for FREE!