Your Soul’s Intention

There are a hundreds, maybe even thousands of books, spiritual teachers, coaches and more that talk about “purpose” in one fashion or another.  Sometimes they call it life purpose, sometimes soul purpose, sometimes business purpose, and sometimes just simply “purpose”.  Regardless of what it is called, it’s all about the deeper meaning behind why you are here on the planet and what you are here to do.

Unfortunately the more one reads, hears and learns about “purpose”, the more confusing it can be.  On the flip side…

If you feel your purpose calling you, there is this experience of “purpose”, where your “purpose” seems to shift or change regularly and leaves you in a wake of confusion.  Or there’s the feeling of taking the wrong path or being left in the dust, when you started your business based on what you thought was your purpose.  Sometimes you might just give up and store your thought of “purpose” in the back corners of your mind to let it collect dust. Maybe you feel like your clear on your purpose, yet you know there is something more…

All of the lack of clarity, confusion around and ignoring “purpose” has to do with two things:

  1. Each individual can have multiple “purposes” that show up over time
  2. There’s a missing component

Ready for some clarity?

Beginning with the premise that we are energy (Einstein’s E=MC2) and to explain what’s really going on, let’s take a look at electrical wiring.

Have you ever looked at the inside of an electrical wire?  Until I started writing on this, I didn’t realize how many kinds of electrical wire there are.  They are as varied as we human beings. Some have a multitude of colors and the basic most common electrical wire contains smaller red, blue and black wires along with a grounding wire.  The one thing they all have in common though is that they either have a grounding wire or a wire that is meant to connect to a grounding source.

So like the picture above, your variations on “purpose” are like the red, blue and black wires.  They are in your world to work together to bring your gifts out into the world.  The missing component, the grounding wire, is “Your Soul’s Intention”.  It grounds and connects you to your inner-being and “Who You Really Are”.

So what is Your Soul’s Intention?

Like the electrical grounding wire, your Soul’s Intention is a composite of two blended energies.

The first is the Primary Intention your inner-being held for this incarnation in physical form and has nothing to do with what you are here to do in the world for others.  It is where your Soul chose to grow and expand. Your Primary Intention is most often discovered in the common thread found in your life challenges or your greatest resistance. As an example, my Soul’s Primary Intention is: “To integrate and embody spirit”.

The second is Your Soul’s Intended Contribution, which is where Your Soul determined, and agreed, to contribute to the whole.  While it is demonstrated in your business and work in the world, it is not specific to that work.  You will find that your Intended Contribution pertains to every area of your life.  When you are clear on, and standing in, your soul’s Intended Contribution you can see it reflected in all of your relationships. For example, my Soul’s Intended Contribution is: “To inspire, champion and springboard the awakened ones”. It shows up for me everywhere in my life in the most surprising ways.

As long as you recognize and stay connected to your inner being through your daily practice and appreciation, your Soul’s Intention is your functional grounding wire. Its purpose is to conduct the energy of your non-physical being into your physical reality without shorting out or causing a cosmic fire.

All of the variations of your purpose combine with your “Soul’s Intention to make up the electrical wiring in your house, your physical being, and impacts everything in your life, including your business.  Having Your Soul’s Intention defined and connected keeps you from being fragmented and burning out when you are hit by a bolt of inspiration (lightning).

When Your Soul’s Intention is fully connected, accessed, and utilized, you are tapped in and turned on to your inner-being, lighting you up and opening doors to magical synchronicities.

If not…

Well… sparks that fizzle, flameouts and shorts resulting in cosmic cleansing fire are common occurrences.