Victoria Lynne Hannu

After 18 years in the corporate world while working as a business analyst, facilitator and mediator in a fortune 1000 company, Victoria discovered that she was an entrepreneur at heart (they just didn’t know what “box” she fit into, because she didn’t😉).  So in 2002 she began her journey in business and became a young first time grandmother (later to become mom to her granddaughter).

Now more than 20 years later as an entrepreneur who came from a highly dysfunctional family background, she knows first-hand the journey to building a holistic business out of muck and standing in the fullness of who you are.  A business that enables you to Live & Lead Authentically with Heart. Because business is never really just about business.

As a Human DesignÂŽ 2/4 Generator with a Right Angle Cross of Tension, she is naturally born to bump up against the struggles in business and life and to transform them into something new and different.  To share her wisdom gained so that others don’t have to struggle or just survive, so they can thrive with greater ease and grace and do what’s they’re here to do.

Thus, her primary focus is to uplift, champion and springboard you to your own greatness with a business and life where you thrive and show up in your authentic uniqueness!

She  is a natural facilitator, mediator, and systematic, relational thinker bringing a human centered approach to business.  As the oldest of five in a super dysfunctional family, another of her natural gifts is to bring calm and clarity to crazy and chaotic situations.  She’s also really good with boundaries:😊.

She’s great at connecting the dots, bringing the non-linear into the linear, tying strategy to tactics, making cents out of non-sense, wrangling chaos, and orchestrating solutions.

However what makes her truly different,  is that she is able to see into the depths of the shadows and the unseen to see what even her clients can’t see.  Her gift of being able to see in the dark enables her to guide her clients on their journey, to face and shine the light on their self-sabotage and break through barriers that have kept them stuck, perhaps for years.

She knows what it feels like when you see things differently than the accepted norm, to be the odd one, the different one, to be afraid to share your gifts and who you really are with the ones closest to you, let alone the world at large. She knows what it’s like to start business, navigate the ups, downs, and wrong turns, then bridge the gap to become a CEO.  She knows what it’s like to build your business with a toddler in tow and have the school calendar dictate your primary work hours when funds limit outside care.

She knows what it’s like to have a special needs child, be a single mom, come from a highly dysfunctional family and have at risk teenagers. She knows how devastating it can be to be blamed for something you didn’t do, to be judged, ostracized and denounced for taking a stand.

She also knows what it’s like to have a loving partner, and an amazing support system that holds you, loves you and has your back, no matter what.

She knows what it takes to forgive yourself for a past of bad decisions, of putting others before you to your own peril, for signing up for the wrong programs out of fear, for giving into self-doubt, for playing small, for trusting the wrong people, for following others advice when you know it’s not right for you, for judging yourself, your journey and others, for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and any other number of things you can think of.

She’s a poet, a master seamstress, a wife and mom. She loves to dance and enjoys skiing, walking her grand dogs, taking long rides on her road bike, hanging out at sidewalk cafes watching the world go by or being engaged in deep meaningful conversation. She’s into personal development and studying the developments in brain science and metaphysics.  Her spiritual life informs and guides her business and personal life.

She won’t let you hide and she will see to it that you stand in the light of who you really are (even when you don’t want to) and will not judge. She’s gentle and firm, loving and kind, empathic and compassionate and will hold a strong line when necessary.  She can find the humor in Her’s and your foibles and the silver lining/lessons to learn in even the direst of circumstances.  As her granddaughter/daughter Isis puts it; “She’s a bad ass mom” and at the same time her mom would have told you that “Victoria is the most forgiving person” she knows.

She’s the friend who will hold you to your highest good and not feed you a line of BS.  She can see the deeper meaning in a movie, a book or any circumstance in your life, so if you want to hang on to stories of blame and victim hood, you don’t want to take your journey with her.