Decision-making is not a solitary endeavor for CEOs. The impact of choices reverberates across the entire company, affecting employees, vendors, clients, culture, and the organization at large. Beyond individual strategies and potential shadows, CEOs must navigate the intricate web of consequences.


The Holistic Approach to Decision-Making

To ensure decisions align with the greater good, CEOs need a holistic approach. Balancing the human aspect with hard numbers is crucial. A practical tool comes into play—an effective method for mapping the impacts of decisions on different facets of the organization.


The Decision Impact Tool

Imagine taking a sheet of paper, drawing a line down the middle, and at the top, writing the decision to be made. On the left, write “When I say Yes,” and on the right, “I say No to.” The process begins by listing the impacts of saying yes, and for each impact, acknowledging what is sacrificed by saying no. Repeat the process with saying no, listing what is gained and what is lost.


Mapping the Impact

This tool forces CEOs to confront the intricate web of consequences. By visually mapping the impacts of decisions, CEOs gain clarity on the trade-offs involved. The process extends beyond immediate outcomes, shedding light on the deeper implications for the company, its values, and its purpose.


Utilizing Company Values, Numbers, and Purpose

Armed with the impact map, CEOs can then align their decisions with the vision, core values, numerical data, and overarching purpose of the company. This strategic alignment elevates decision-making from a singular act to a process rooted in the organization’s mission and identity.


Making the Best Decision in the Moment

The culmination of this approach enables CEOs not just to make a decision but to make the best decision in the moment. By considering both the human and numerical aspects, the tool facilitates a more comprehensive evaluation, leading to decisions that resonate with the organization’s ethos.


In the intricate dance of CEO decision-making, understanding personal strategy and navigating potential shadows is just the beginning. By embracing a holistic approach that considers the impact on people and numbers, and utilizing a practical decision impact tool, CEOs can elevate their decision-making process. The result is not just decisions but choices that align with the values, purpose, and collective well-being of the entire organization.


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Victoria is the founder of Heart & Soul CEO. She works with entrepreneurs and business owners to master their transition to CEO. Her primary focus with her clients is to build the right leadership team and culture, and to ensure their business model aligns with their vision. She is a natural facilitator, mediator, and systematic, relational thinker who brings a human centered approach to business. Click here to learn more about Victoria.